Friday, December 29, 2006

The Croc's last laugh!

Steve Irwin died recently doing what he loves. Many people cried, especially females. Many people didn't. They didn't like how he taunted crocodiles for his and others pathetic entertainment. With such a wide gulf in opinion we decided to run a little poll; What do you think when you hear Steve Irwin being claimed as a conservationist?

The results;

Hero: 45%

Fraudster/Nutta/Dipstick: 55%

The people have spoken.


At 11:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have an urgent call to action for our UK blogging, media and activist friends.

There is a Canadian Exxon-funded think tank readying to launch an attack on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Monday, Feb. 5th at 10am at the Atrium Restaurant (across from the Houses of Parliament, Four Millbank, Westminster.

Here's the info, with backgrounders on the group, we need people down there to get out the message about who these guys really are.

I'm stuck halfway around the world and cannot attend. If even just 5 people to print off copies of the briefing note I have prepared and be there to hand it out to meeting -- anybody can go. And, trust me, you will really be making a difference.

Here's a PDF of the briefing note:

Contact me at if you want more information.

Best regards,

At 3:59 pm, Blogger bmcworldcitizen said...

My contribution to the discussion.


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